Easy Flavored Vodka Drinks With Recipes

Flavored vodkas have been growing in popularity with most brands introducing an array of new flavors. From vegetal flavors like cucumber or jalapeno to fruit tastes such as raspberry or grapefruit to sweet flavors like vanilla, caramel, and chocolate, flavored vodkas can add variety to your cocktail repertoire. Fruit, Herbal, and Vegetal Vodka Mixers Fruit…

Categorized as Drinks

21 Fun, Easy Cocktails You Can Make Using Smirnoff

Whether your a college student, or a parent trying to get their drink on at a barbecue, Smirnoff serves as a go-to for making drinks. Smirnoff has a crazy amount of different flavors, different types of alcohol, and even recently came out with a new gluten-free, naturally sweetened vodka. It’s easy to say that Smirnoff…

Categorized as Drinks